Kylee’s substance use issues started at the age of 13 as a means of coping with personal tragedies and emotional turmoil. Her addiction escalated after the tragic loss of her brother, leading to heavier drinking and experimenting with a range of substances.
Despite attempts to quit and intermittent periods of sobriety, Kylee found herself trapped in a cycle of addiction that threatened her health and strained her relationships. She faced DUIs, turbulent relationships, and constant illness associated with her addiction.
“I was lucky in the past that I’ve never killed anyone or hurt myself by driving drunk.”
The turning point came when Kylee, determined to break free from the destructive cycle, sought treatment at the Avera Addiction Care Center. The support she received from an Emily’s Hope Treatment Scholarship, covering her Cobra insurance costs during treatment, proved crucial in ensuring her continuity in the program.
“Addiction does not discriminate between people, the privileged or the beautiful or the smart, you know? It could be anyone.”