Emily Groth - Emily's Hope - Angela Kennecke

Stopping Stigma.
Saving Lives.

Emily’s Hope is dedicated to removing the stigma of substance use disorder through awarenesseducation, and prevention; and removing financial barriers for treatment and recovery.

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U.S. Drug overdose Deaths



On average

people die each day in the U.S.

Emily's Hope Logo Heart Only What We Do

K-12 Substance Use Prevention Curriculum

K-5 Lessons: Now Available
6-12 Lessons: In Development

They were daughterssonsmothersfathersfriendswiveshusbandscousinsboyfriendsgirlfriends.

They were More Than Just A Number.

You are not alone.

Post-Overdose Response TeamProviding hope after overdose with peer support.

Treatment ScholarshipsEmily’s Hope has funded more than 200 treatment scholarships at the Avera Addiction Care Center.

Harm ReductionDistributing free naloxone and fentanyl test strips.

“I want to prevent as many families as possible from experiencing a similar tragedy and Emily’s Hope is doing that through treatment and prevention education. Even if just one life is saved it’s all worth it.”
– Angela Kennecke
Angela Kennecke holding a photo of Emily

Youth Prevention Coalition

Drug-Free Communities Seal

Substance Use Loss Support Group

Grieving Out Loud

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Hope in Action

Our Partners

The work of Emily’s Hope is supported in part by our partnerships: