MORICHES, N.Y. – Eleven middle school students in Moriches, a Long Island community, were hospitalized after consuming marijuana gummies at school, according to multiple news outlets, including ABC News.
Police and officials at William Floyd Middle School are investigating how a student obtained the gummies and distributed them to about a dozen classmates. The affected students, all 13 and 14 years old, were treated at hospitals, though authorities have not released details on their condition or any potential charges. It is also unclear whether the student who shared the gummies was aware they contained THC.
Similar incidents have been reported across the country. Emily’s Hope reported last year about five elementary school students in Chicago who were hospitalized after ingesting cannabis edibles.
According to the National Poison Data System, pediatric cannabis edible exposures have surged 1,375% from 2017 to 2021. Cases involving children under six rose from 207 in 2017 to 3,054 in 2021. Among all age groups, two-year-olds accounted for the highest number of cases at 27.7%, followed closely by three-year-olds at 24.6%.