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A grieving mother’s memoir about addiction inspires a screenplay

Episode 165

Slow Dancing with the Devil—that’s the title of Susan Bartz Herrick’s book that’s now being turned into a screenplay. It’s a story that the grieving mother never wanted to write–a heartbreaking memoir of her son’s relentless 20-year battle with substance use disorder, a fight he unfortunately lost due to fentanyl poisoning.

But Susan’s narrative goes beyond grief. It’s a beacon of hope, a call to action. Join us on this episode of Grieving Out Loud as we dive into Susan’s journey, her unwavering mission to raise awareness about substance use disorder, and her fight to erase its stigma.

Also, if you or a loved one are struggling with substance use disorder, it’s important to seek help. You can find a list of resources on our website.

Check out Susan’s book, Slow Dancing with the Devil, available at several retailers, including Barnes & Noble

  • Susan Bartz Herrick pictured with her son, Luke, and husband
  • black and white photo of Susan Bartz Herrick and her son, Luke

Listen to Susan’s July 28, 2022, Grieving Out Loud episode.