Grieving Out Loud with Angela Kennecke

Embracing hope after the loss of a daughter to suicide

The statistics are deeply troubling. Between 2007 and 2021, youth suicide rates surged by more than 60%. Data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reveals that teens living in the most impoverished areas were 37% more likely to die by suicide. However, this distressing trend isn’t confined to those facing socioeconomic challenges; it also impacts young people who outwardly appear to have everything.

Angela Drake understands the devastating impact of this epidemic all too well. Her 17-year-old daughter lost her life after battling depression. Rather than allowing grief to consume her, Drake made a courageous decision to confront her pain head-on and dedicate herself to preventing further tragedies. In this episode of Grieving Out Loud, she shares her invaluable insights for navigating loss and discusses her efforts to support the community.

We want to stress that if you or someone you love is grappling with suicidal thoughts, help is available. Remember, you are not alone.
