Your host, Angela Kennecke, is bringing you conversations she had with different speakers and authors at the Bereaved Parents USA Conference in St. Louis in July. She recorded podcasts with women who have dealt with grief and transformed it into helping others cope.
Peggy Green sadly lost her baby girl at daycare, then suffered child loss again when her adult son completed suicide. As a grief coach and author, Peggy is now helping others move through their grief to healing. Her new book, “Survive Your Child’s Suicide,” is now being released.
Next week, Angela will be bringing you another interview from the Bereaved Parents Conference.

Our Guest
Peggy Green
If you are asking why, what could you have done differently, or how you will live without your child, you are not alone. Rest assured, there are others that have traveled this road before you – and survived.
Just ask Peggy Green…
Peggy has survived the odds of losing not just one child but two, including her son, by suicide. She knew she must use every tool possible to survive this tragedy. Starting with acceptance – a challenging but necessary first step – she bravely and courageously walked her grief journey.