Your host, Angela Kennecke, is bringing you conversations she had with different speakers and authors at the Bereaved Parents USA Conference in St. Louis in July. She recorded podcasts with women who have dealt with grief and transformed it into helping others cope.
Beth D’Angelo is an incredibly deep and spiritual person, in spite of, or perhaps because of, the loss of one of her three children. Beth is finding purpose and meaning after the loss of her 19-year-old son, Sean. She is the co-founder of Healing Through Hope, a non-profit that helps people cope with loss. Angela was lucky enough to take part in one of her healing sound baths at the conference, which uses Tibetan Bowls and other sound makers, along with meditation to help people heal.
In this episode, Beth shares where she gets her strength and how she believes her son continues to guide her.
Next week, Angela will be bringing you another interview from the Bereaved Parents Conference.

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Our Guest
After the unexpected death of her second child, Beth D’Angelo found herself on a path that she never expected to travel.
“I am the one who comforted others; the one who reached out to those who were shattered. Certainly, that was my purpose, to be of service to others when their lives changed. But life had other plans for me—and I found myself trying to find purpose and meaning after experiencing my own loss.
I reached out to someone, and they reached back to me and that began a meaningful connection, not only with others but to life itself. “I Still Exist” is what keeps my son, Sean in my life. We are in this together and he has guided me to recognize that I have always had the courage, strength, and resiliency to hold another’s story despite what I had to experience. That has given me the inspiration to ‘grow hope’ in others.”
Beth has been in the fitness industry since 1987 and has expanded her career as a Wellness Coach and instructor in Pilates, Yoga, and Sound Healing practitioner. She is one of the Co-Founders of “Healing Through Hope U,” a nonprofit that supports others who have experienced child loss and other losses life offers. Beth now spends her time teaching Pilates, speaking, writing, traveling, and enjoying her granddaughter and grandson in Colorado.