Your host, Angela Kennecke, is bringing you conversations she had with different speakers and authors at the Bereaved Parents USA Conference in St. Louis in July. She recorded podcasts with women who have dealt with grief and transformed it into helping others cope. Angela talks to a mother on the loss of her son to fentanyl. Brenda Daly says she was glad she was the one who found him.
The death of Brenda’s son, Kevin’s addiction to painkillers, started after a traumatic brain injury. The loss of Kevin to a pill with fentanyl took Brenda down a new path to study grief and help others in this unfortunate club of bereaved parents.
Next week, Angela will be bringing you her final interview from the national gathering.

Our Guest
Brenda Daly Ph.D., LCSW is a licensed clinical social worker with over 30 years of experience. She holds a grief therapy certification from the Portland Institute for Loss and Transition and a grief educator certification from David Kessler’s program.
Brenda lives with her husband in Northern California. Her two children and 4 grandchildren live close by.