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Former Congresswoman Mary Bono’s Advocacy in the Opioid Epidemic

Episode 63

You may recognize Mary Bono, as the widow of Sonny Bono who filled his seat in Congress and then went on to serve nearly 15 years as a California representative. Mary was on the forefront, warning about the opioid epidemic in the early 2000s.  She’s had family members deal with opioid addiction who have since found recovery. 

Mary is now a tireless advocate as Chairman of the Board of Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America, as well as Chairman and CEO for Mothers Against Prescription Drug Abuse and a Board Member for SAFE Project. You can listen to Admiral Winnefeld on the podcast here in Episode 57.
Mary is also a Board Member for Verde Technologies of Minneapolis which created the Deterra® Drug Deactivation and Disposal System

She is married to former astronaut Admiral Steve Oswald. 

Mary’s and Angela’s conversation ranged from reducing stigma, to what Congress can do,  to the need for more infrastructure and unity when it comes to ending the overdose epidemic.