Should drug dealers face prison time? It’s a contentious issue with strong opinions on both sides. For years, law enforcement often treated drug overdose deaths as accidental or the fault of the victim. However, with a record surge in fentanyl-related fatalities in the United States, attitudes are evolving.
The alarming rise in deaths has intensified pressure on narcotics investigators nationwide, from the DEA to local police forces, to pursue justice for grieving families. Unfortunately, seeking justice for these tragedies is often slow and uncertain.
In this episode of Grieving Out Loud, meet Matt Capelouto, a grieving father who is advocating for legislative changes to ensure that those who knowingly sell deadly drugs are held accountable with prison sentences. Along with working to change laws, Matt is also the founder of Stop Drug Homicide.

Matt Capelouto
Business Owner
President – DIH Organization