Grieving Out Loud with Angela Kennecke

Addiction & grief counselor shares insights after losing daughter to fentanyl poisoning

On this episode of “Grieving Out Loud,” your host, Angela Kennecke, sits down with an incredible guest, Patty Stovall, who knows firsthand that as parents, our knowledge alone isn’t always enough to shield our children from the battles of drug or alcohol use.

Growing up, Patty witnessed her parents’ ongoing struggle with alcohol addiction. It wasn’t an easy road, but both of her parents eventually found their way to recovery. In fact, Patty’s mom has become a true beacon of hope, extending a helping hand to others in their own battles with substance use disorder. Inspired by her family’s experiences, Patty pursued a career as a professional counselor specializing in grief and addiction.

But life, as we know, can throw unexpected curveballs. Despite Patty’s extensive expertise and unwavering efforts, her daughter, Sarah, struggled with substance use disorder. It is a heart-wrenching reminder that no matter how much we think we know, we can’t always protect our loved ones from the grip of addiction.

But this episode isn’t just about loss. It’s also about resilience and growth. Patty shares the invaluable wisdom she has gained through her own experiences, offering insights that can help others who find themselves grappling with grief and addiction.

If you want to learn more about the non-profit Patty set up in honor of her daughter, check out the Sounds of Sarah website.

  • Patty Stovall and her daughter Sarah
