Opioid deaths started skyrocketing when the powerful prescription painkiller OxyContin hit the market. Purdue Pharma, the company behind the drug, has been found guilty of numerous charges. It is now featured in a new Netflix original, “Painkiller,” highlighting the company’s pushy sales tactics. For some viewers, like today’s guest, the show hits a bit too close to home.
Steven May joined Purdue as an OxyContin sales rep back in 1999. At first, he believed in what he was selling, but that changed quickly, and he became a whistleblower. Today, Steven shares his behind-the-scenes experience at Purdue during a time when the company was making huge profits as opioid addiction rates were spiraling out of control.

Steven May
Steven May is a courageous federal whistleblower who took a stand against Purdue Pharma, the pharmaceutical giant behind OxyContin. Despite the eventual dismissal of his case on a technicality, Steven’s journey through the legal system was both eye-opening and impactful. His case reached the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) before being dismissed, a move that he believes was influenced by government pressure to shut down his claims.