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Avera Medical Minute

Journey to Sobriety: One Man Shares his Story

It is never easy to ask for help. That especially can be the case if you’re suffering from substance use disorder. When you’re ready to seek help, the Avera Addiction Care Center can be a place to turn to.

Jay Albertson has reached 38 months of sobriety this month.

While it is quite the accomplishment, it wasn’t always easy getting here.

“I probably drank my first time in high school and probably partied as much as any teenager or college aged student would,” said Albertson. “I think when things started to kind of make themselves a problem, I didn’t know what I wanted to do when I went to college the first time, I knew I liked to party so that took precedence over everything.”

“The thing that took a big change was I stopped just drinking at night. I would drink in the morning and then that became to the point that if I wasn’t working, I was just drunk all day,” said Albertson.

This went on for about five years, when one day, Albertson decided it was time to get some help.

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