Emily’s Hope PSA

The Emily’s Hope public service announcement (PSA) encourages you to find help if you’re suffering from substance use disorder. Now’s the time.

“So she was my firstborn, and I was just overwhelmed by her—everything about her. You know, being a new mom and a mom for the first time, I just poured all of my love and all of my everything into this child, and she always amazed me,” Angela Kennecke said. “She was beautiful and funny; she was so funny and fun and fun-loving.”

“I’m Emily Groth and I’m a senior at O’Gorman High School. I hope to brighten the world through my passion for art,” Emily said in a recorded home video.

“She was just everything,” Angela said.

Emily was the seventh overdose death in Sioux Falls so far this year. Now, my daughter, my baby is just a statistic.

Angela said in Emily’s euology
A framed photo of Emily Groth, Angela Kennecke and their family in the Emily's Hope PSA

“Our lives were shattered when my daughter Emily died from an opioid overdose, but there are resources for you and your family to get the help you need,” Angela said. “Now’s the time.”

If you are interested in running our PSA, we have several different lengths. Please contact us for broadcast-quality video.

About Emily’s Hope

Our Mission: Emily’s Hope is dedicated to removing the stigma of substance use disorder through awarenesseducation, and prevention; and removing financial barriers for treatment and recovery.